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Kim McMenamin


About Me

My name is Kim Mc Menamin, I'm a Father and a Grandfather. I’m from Buncrana, Co Donegal. My journey began by looking into the truth about health, I began by exploring Chinese Medicine especially Acupuncture.
I'm a qualified Acupuncturist and Martial Artist. I was influenced to study Acupuncture through my extensive background in Martial Arts, particularly Karate.
These skills served me well and I feel this has helped nurture the warrior spirit within.

I have been an activist for years standing up against many issues namely 4/5G, draconian Lockdowns and more recently against undocumented uncontrolled Mass Immigration into this country.
After organising and helped by many brave Buncrana people who stood up, last year we managed to avert 66 single men of military age being warehoused into a building beside our schoolchildren. Although we protected our town, the rest of this beautiful country is being invaded on a daily basis, this has to be stopped because it seems like the Government have gone off the rails.

Why I'm Standing

I'm standing in this General Election to help instigate and save whatever we have left of this country. Serious changes have to be made to the political landscape.
This is not a game! or a career, there are so many issues now that the career politicians need to step aside and let US the new people take over. Today's current crop of politicians had their chance, they failed everyone especially in regard to housing/migration and its now time for them to go.
Vote them out by voting me in.
People cannot say anymore ""there is no alternative to vote for"" check out the for a candidate in your area who is willing to stand up against the Globalist Elites who dictate corporate policies to our politicians. The EU federal state needs to be abolished and to be replaced by the original European Common Market focusing only on trade agreements and respecting every country's right to be sovereign and free.

Ireland is in a mess right now, we have to save this precious land, I'm giving people a genuine choice to be properly represented. The times we are living in has decided I do this, but I can't do this without your support. This is about all of us and all our children, grandchildren and future generations.
Career Politicians have ruined this country for generations.


Thanks to everyone who voted for me in the Council Election and all those who helped and canvassed for me, I need all your help again, together we can do this!
Vote for a real candidate that cares about this country, its people, its history and its culture.
Thanks everyone for listening, please share this as much as possible. If you can help in any way with canvassing in your area of Donegal please get in touch, contact me through FB. or
All the parties support Mass Immigration, which means they are taking part in the destruction of YOU! and your children. THIS HAS TO BE STOPPED!
The government and mainstream media, influenced by
extremist NGOs, are promoting mass immigration policies that are
destroying Ireland and the Irish nation. These policy's are creating a housing supply
crisis never seen before, it looks like the Government are on the road to self destruction having NO opposition.

Local Issues

Iron-Air Battery Storage is destined for Buncrana.

Untested new technology called Iron-Air Battery Storage is destined for Buncrana beside 50 plus house who rely on well water and are fearful contamination to their water table.
proposals to construct Europe’s first ‘iron-air’ battery storage project in the area.

Future Ireland Development has lodged plans with Donegal County Council for 248 shipping containers at Ballynahone, Buncrana. The proposed ‘Ballynahone Energy Storage,’ will be the company’s first battery storage project and, they said, the first of its kind in Europe.

The site will have a total surface area of 7.1 acres (2.9 hectares) and include a substation, transformers and fencing.

However, locals have launched a campaign to stop the ‘unwanted’ development in the Buncrana and Fahan area. Go here to support their campaign-

Buncrana's so called sewage treatment plant.

Our Lady's Bay in Buncrana is an open sewer, Enda Craig stopped a similar plant in Moville and he warned Buncrana Councillors to do the same but despite this he was ignored, we have the situation in Buncrana were children have gotten really sick swimming in the bay, can you believe that public representatives would allow this to happen to our town? This has to be put right.

Defective Blocks.
houses are crumbling, people need help, the Judicial Review is the only way forward, the Government are responsible for this by allowing de-regulation of the concrete industry to facilitate the so called "celtic tiger" housing boom, now they must fully pay up.

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