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Education Policy

Skills, Tradition, and Integrity for Ireland’s Future

We envision an education system that prepares young people for productive, fulfilling careers while fostering national pride, cultural heritage, and core values. We believe education should focus on essential knowledge and skills, free from divisive ideologies that threaten the fabric of our society. This policy aims to rebalance the focus of education towards practical skills while removing harmful and inappropriate content such as gender identity theories, Critical Race Theory, queer theory, identity politics, and highly sexualized materials, including pornography, from Ireland's primary, secondary, and third-level curricula.

  • Removal of Divisive Ideologies from Education

  • Protecting Children from Inappropriate Content (including online Pornography)

  • Supporting Parental Rights

  • Focus on A.I. Resilient Skills and National Values

  • Building a Values-Based Educational System

  • Promoting National Unity, Social Cohesion and Cultural Heritage

Core Pillars
  1. Removing Divisive Ideologies from Education:

    • Ban the teaching of gender identity theories in schools, returning the focus to biological facts and leaving discussions of gender and sexuality to parents and families, not the classroom.

    • Eliminate Critical Race Theory (CRT), queer theory, and identity politics from all levels of the curriculum. These ideologies, which divide students based on race, gender, and sexual identity, have no place in the classroom. Instead, education should promote unity, equal opportunity, and a shared national identity.

    • Restore Ireland’s educational focus on academic excellence, practical skills, and civic responsibility, ensuring all students are prepared for the future without ideological interference.

    • Create a review board of educators and parents to evaluate and approve all new educational content, ensuring it is free from ideological bias and promotes shared national values.

  2. Protecting Children from Inappropriate Content:

    • Remove highly sexualized content and pornography from all levels of the curriculum. Education should provide age-appropriate information about human biology and health, not graphic or ideological materials that undermine the innocence of childhood.

    • Implement a strict "Age-Appropriate Content Policy" that ensures any education on relationships and health respects traditional family values and shields students from unnecessary exposure to explicit content.

    • Require full parental transparency for any changes to sex education curricula, allowing parents the right to review and opt out of material they deem inappropriate for their children.

    • The blocking of pornographic websites and services by ISPs (Internet Service Providers) by default unless requested by the account holder. 

  3. Focus on A.I. Resilient Skills and National Values:

    • Rebalance the education system by guiding school leavers away from AI-endangered careers and towards trade skills and apprenticeships, ensuring more students are prepared for secure, practical careers.

    • Emphasize core subjects such as maths, science, reading, and national history in primary and secondary education, promoting a balanced curriculum that fosters critical thinking and practical knowledge.

    • Foster pride in Irish heritage by reintroducing strong national history and civics components, teaching students about Ireland’s rich cultural heritage and its role in the modern world.

    • Encourage a deeper understanding of Irish culture, language, and traditions, promoting national unity and pride across all levels of education.

  4. Building a Values-Based Educational System:

    • Introduce a values-based education framework that emphasizes respect, responsibility, discipline, and civic duty. This will instil a sense of purpose in students, preparing them to be active and constructive members of Irish society.

    • Remove the promotion of identity politics from the curriculum and focus instead on fostering unity and respect for all, irrespective of race, gender, or background.

    • Reinforce family values and the importance of community, offering students a clear moral foundation while encouraging their development as well-rounded individuals.

  5. Supporting Parental Rights and Local Communities:

    • Give parents more control over the content being taught to their children. Parents will have the right to opt out of any curriculum materials that contradict their family’s values or personal beliefs.

    • Establish local education councils that include parents, educators, and community leaders to ensure that schools reflect the needs and values of their communities, rather than top-down directives.

    • Ensure that schools are transparent and accountable for the content they provide, giving parents direct involvement in decisions affecting their children’s education.

  6. Strengthening the Role of Third-Level Education in National Development:

    • Ensure that third-level education focuses on preparing students for careers that align with national interests, such as healthcare, engineering, IT infrastructure, construction, and renewable energy.

    • Remove identity politics and divisive theories from third-level education, focusing instead on fostering academic rigour, innovation, and practical skills.

    • Encourage third-level institutions to partner with industries in high-demand trade skills, boosting apprenticeship programs and practical learning experiences that equip students with the tools for success in the modern workforce.

  7. Promoting National Unity, Social Cohesion and Cultural Heritage:

    • Reinstate Irish history, language, and civic education as core components of the curriculum at all levels, ensuring students gain a deep appreciation for their cultural heritage and national identity.

    • Support the revival and promotion of Irish language and traditions, strengthening Ireland’s national culture and reinforcing a sense of pride in our unique identity.

  8. A Balanced Approach to Social Issues:

    • Teach respect, tolerance, and civic responsibility without relying on ideological frameworks like gender theory or Critical Race Theory. These principles should be universal and not rooted in divisive political ideologies.

    • Ensure that students understand the value of free speech, critical thinking, and respectful debate, preparing them for adult life in a democratic society while protecting them from indoctrination.


This policy aims to restore balance and integrity in Ireland's education system by removing divisive ideologies, protecting children from inappropriate content, and preparing students for secure, practical careers in an A.I. changed workplace. By prioritizing Irish values, unity, social cohesion, and national pride, we will create a future where young people are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and moral foundation needed to contribute to their nation and build a prosperous Ireland.

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